Dance development

Posted on 20th June, 2015

Well we are well into June already and so many things are booked into my diary for the next few months, it is crazy!  I couldn't function without a paper diary to write it all down! It is easy to make excuses for not finding time to practise your own dancing, you turn up to class and before you know it a week has passed and you're there again, having not given the dance your learning a second thought.  It is so easily done, with the demands of work, children, housework etc!  However, I realised that to develop in my own dancing I have to put the time and effort in, and if I worked out how much time I spent lazily browsing Facebook each day, I'm sure I can find 5 minutes to shimmy!  So I have made a commitment to do at least a 5 minute dance drill each day for the rest of June, and to push me to do it I have decided to post each day on our class Facebook page what it is I'm practising that day so that my dancers can also follow along if they wish.  Just thinking what I want to work on is making me think about dance which is a good thing, and you find once you put some music on, you are soon into the swing!  Even if my dancers choose not to join me in this, that's fine, I'm doing it for my own gain and to try and improve technique but I would urge any dancer to try and find a bit of 'me' time to have a little shimmy or drill some snake arms - do it, do it!!  You can always let me know how you get on, you can reply to these Blog posts so feel free to comment!

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