Happy New Year!

Posted on 1st January, 2015

It's the 1st January, a new year, new beginnings!  I have left my job, so until I can find enough work to fill my time when the boys are at nursery I'll have no excuse not to be working on dance material!  I have some tracks lined up for our nw routines in class so it's just getting started on the choreography and formations!  


I am excited about the start of our new performers class on Monday too, lets hope some dancers join me!  It will be nice to have a performer troupe for events to dance at, like we used to a few years back.  


I want to work on my dancing more this year too, I had some lovely comments following my solo perofrmances at the hafla and it does inspire you to keep on trying to raise the bar and push it to the next level.  However, i've discovered that there is no point comparing yourself to other dancers, everyone has their own style and signature moves, so you should make it your aim to just try and better your own dancing and technique and interpretation of the music.


Happy new year to you all, here's to a fun filled year of dance!