Count down to Christmas!

Posted on 2nd December, 2014

I can't believe the Christmas hafla is only a few days away - it seemed way off when I booked it back in the summer and now its here!  As always I am a little stressed as I mither about things going right, but I am as organised as I can be.  I have numerous costume changes laid out in my little office, plus boxes of decorations, printed out flyers, raffle prizes...the list goes on!  I am always so proud in the weeks leading up to the haflas when I see my dancers come together to practise their routines and how far they've come.  It is especially lovely when we have a dress rehersal and seeing everyone in 'sync' but still maintaining their own individual style is fab.


I haven't been able to practise my solo dances (I'm doing 2 this time!) as I have hurt my back, but I am hoping I'll be a bit better by Friday in order to have one last run though - dancing in my head in the car is one thing but dancing it out for real is a bit different!  Both of my costumes have needed tweaking/altering so it's a good job I also practised in them too!


After the hafla I can breathe a sigh of relief and focus on Christmas and my boys 3rd birthdays - where have my babies gone?!  I am looking forward to rounding off the year with a final fun and festive belly dance class and then having a break of about a month in order to re-fresh and start working on new choreographies!!