Shimmying into Summer!

Posted on 30th June, 2014

It seems looking over my previous posts I only remember to catch up with my 'blog' when the seasons change!!  Life is so hectic with work, dancing, being a Mommy and other random stuff that I try and fit in!


We had a really great hafla a few weeks ago, I was happy with our new music system the volume was good, a few hitches but nothing compared to the previous hafla!  The room was nice and full which is what I like to see although there still seems to be a reluctance ot make some noise and clap/cheer dancers on - maybe its a British thing, too conservative!


Anyway we raised a fantastic £800 for Touch Stones and Vicki, the charity co-ordinater was so grateful to us all.  Roll on the next hafla, I only have a few months break before I begin planning the next one!


Classes are quite busy, there is always a bit of a lull after the hafla when people don't see as much need to come regularly as we don't need to practise a choreography but I'm always grateful to my faithful few who turn up week after week!  It's good to use these few weeks/months to work on technique and combiations and generally jsut get back to basics.


I am considering a few new classes for the new year now the boys are that bit older and I have slightly more capacity.  I am busy working out the logistics and finding a different venue for these to be held.  Watch this space....!

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